Monday, January 31, 2011

AWP Schedule

Here's a tentative list of some of the stuff I might be attending, both onsite and off. For those who are also attending, lemme know if you'd like to tag along or if there's something better going on at any point.

Thursday (I arrive late Wednesday night, so this will be my first opportunity to do stuff):

9:00 am- Presses with a Mission
10:30 am- Things that go bump when you write: Monsters, Myths, and the Supernatural in Literary Fiction
12:00 pm- Narrative Structure: The episodic and the epiphanic
4:30 pm- Creative Writing and the University: A Conversation with Mark McGurl
7:00 pm- Off-site- A Pair of Teeth/Apertif--Articles Press, SpringGun and Flying Guillitine: A Readings + Afterparty @ IOTA Club and Cafe


7:00 am: Gotta volunteer for four hours... That's the price of free registration.
11-3:00 pm: Bookfair, lunch, etc.
3:00 pm: Either 'Does the writing workshop still work?' or 'Bodies Politic'
4:30 pm: Building the Literary Robot: The Literary Journal as New Media

Dunno what's going on Friday night, but I'd be down for something off-site if anybody has a suggestion. I also thought it might be cool to attend some of the open receptions different schools are hosting, and I definitely would like to check out an art museum while I'm in town, maybe Saturday morning or something. Everybody who is going, please keep me in mind and let me know what's up. I'll see you in Washington!

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